Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Woman of the Year Award - "The Neighbor"

A previous post in 2011, August 16, "Man of the Year Award, "The Neighbor" is really what all of life should be about and of course - "The Golden Rule" at its finest!

Medford, Ore. "Oregon Woman Catches 2 year old who fell 3 stories while desperately hanging from the lip of the roof of an apartment building across the street in Downtown. Kristen Beach, 21, heard screams from across the street just after 10am. "I could see the tears and snot running down his face." "I said, It's OK, baby; if you fall, I will catch you," Beach Recounted.
She said the boy let go soon after. "The toddler was unhurt as Beach's knees gave way under his weight" Of course, the boy's mother came out when the police arrived. She was detained by the police, thanked Beach... The boy was examined by medical personnel and didn't appear to have suffered any injuries. Beach was dazed, afterward by the whole event while the neighbors around claimed her as a "Hero!!

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